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Preschool Offered by School Districts

Many Kansas school districts offer preschool programs for 3 and 4 year old students. Kansas does not provide funding for all students to attend preschool, and so in some communities, district-offered preschool is limited to children who meet certain eligibility criteria. In other communities, districts may charge a fee for children who do not qualify for free preschool. Contact your local public school district to learn what is available in your area.

What about Early Childhood Special Education?

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), children with disabilities are guaranteed a Free Appropriate Education (FAPE). Check out our pages on Children with Disabilities and IDEA for more information.

“The [Kansans Can] goal is that each child enters kindergarten at age 5 socially, emotionally and academically prepared for success.”
Kansas State Department of Education

Kindergarten in Kansas

Kindergarten in Kansas is a booklet for families of young children preparing for kindergarten. The booklet is available in multiple languages. It includes more information about steps families can take to prepare for a successful start to the kindergarten year. The Kansas Parent Information Resource Center makes free hard copies available.

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