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Individualized Professional Development Plan

If you need help deciding how to move your career forward, the Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) can help. Based on self-reflection, it supports you as you make career choices. The IPDP can be customized to your needs.

The IPDP contains 3 areas:

  • Self-assessment
  • S.M.A.R.T. Goals
  • Continued Professional Development

S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, and Time bound. Together, these elements of the Individualized Professional Development Plan will put you on track to improvement so you can be confident in what you offer to the children and families in your care.

Make your planlaunch

Coming soon!

Kansas is developing a career pathway to guide professionals in their professional development. More information will be made available soon.